Leider konnte keine Vorlage für die Memorio-ID gefunden werden. Diese wurde schon gelöscht.
Please only use image files in the formats .jpg, .jpeg, .pjpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .hfif, .pjp or .dib.
The file size for individual images is limited.
You have exceeded the maximum storage space for images. Please contact us to get more storage space.
Unfortunately the video could not be embedded. Please check the link you entered.
You can add external links to files or social media profiles. A file must be hosted on a platform such as GoogleDrive, OneDrive, Dropbox, YouTube or similar.
If you do not see a video in your input afterwards, please check your cookie settings. You can edit them at the bottom left of the window.
Sie haben Eintragungen vorgenommen/geändert, die Sie nicht gespeichert haben. Wenn Sie ohne Speichern die Seite verlassen, gehen alle Eintragungen verloren.
alle Daten gehen verloren.
Die mobile Version beinhaltet alle Funktionalitäten. Jedoch empfehlen wir für eine bessere Übersicht die Eingabe an einem PC, Laptop oder Tablet auszufüllen.
Once you have successfully placed your order, you can choose from the following free options:
The readability of all categories can be protected with a password. This also includes the images in the personal data.
Individual categories can be made invisible. Your entries in the respective category are therefore not deleted but are not publicly visible.
The entire page can be deactivated. You will be redirected to www.memorio.info.
Individual entries in the book of condolences can be made invisible.
The book of condolences can be closed so that entries by third parties are no longer possible.
The book of condolences can be reopened so that entries can be made again.
After successfully placing the order, the following can be booked in addition:
Additional aluminium badges with engraved QR code.
per piece from € 40,00
Additional storage space for images.
per additional commenced 500 MB € 5,00
Saving takes some time, depending on how many images you have added. Please be patient, it will continue shortly.
Bitte tragen Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein:
Ihre Eingaben bleiben dann 15 Tage gespeichert. Nach Aufgabe einer Bestellung bleiben Ihre Eingaben selbstverständlich dauerhaft gespeichert.
Fortfahren ohne E-Mail. Sie können weiterhin Eintragungen machen. Sobald Sie die Seite verlassen, gehen Ihre Eintragungen verloren.
When the QR code is read, a message is displayed on the password-protected content of your memorial page indicating that the password can be requested. The visitor can leave you a message via a button and request the password.
The person making the request must identify themselves with their own name and e-mail address, which will then be forwarded to you by e-mail. You can then decide whether you want to reply to this person and/or share the password.
IMPORTANT: Anyone who scans the QR code on the grave can make an enquiry to you. The enquiry is processed via our website, so it is not known who you are, as no data about you will be published.
By default, the person making the request does not recognise who you are.
You can identify yourself to visitors with a name of your own choosing.
Without a name, the password request message appears like this:
Please enter your e-mail address:
Your e-mail will not be used for advertising purposes. After saving, you will receive an e-mail within a few minutes with the access data for your entries as well as image files of the QR code, which leads to the memorial page. Your entries are stored for 15 days. After placing an order, your entries will of course be saved permanently.
Continue without e-mail. You can continue to make entries. As soon as you leave the page, your entries will be lost.
Please save your entries before placing an order. Otherwise all your entries will be lost.
all data is lost
Personal data
By filling in the input, an interactive preview is created here
of how the memorial page will later look on a mobile device.
This smartphone view is scrollable if the content exceeds this section.
Book of condolences